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In the reserve you can appreciate the restoration of an ecosystem and an ideal place for the practical training of new generations around the need to conserve planet earth. Generating a theoretical-practical space for the formation of values and attitudes for the protection of the environment, where university researchers, school groups and the community in general find an ideal setting for this learning, reinforcing our objective as a Foundation to conserve and restore the forest cover of the upper hydrographic basin of the Pance river.

Being the PNN Farallones de Cali a "Hotspot" of Biodiversity, the learning possibilities available are infinite, since we have diverse biological characteristics that make it a unique site, in addition to having facilities that make this experience possible.

Visiting our reserve areas contributes to the conservation of biodiversity and the promotion of its research.


Concurso de Cuentos Cortos

"Nadie ama lo que no conoce, ni defiende lo que no ama" inspirados por ilustraciones y fotografías, los participantes ganadores reciben el título de Guardianes del Parque Nacional Farallones.

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Salidas Pedagógicas

La reserva Natural Bachué está ubicada en los Farallones de Cali a 1800 msnm cerca a la confluencia de los ríos Pato y Pance, es un hermoso bosque de niebla.

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Birding Bachue

La Reserva Natural Bachué, es un gran escenario en el PNN Los Farallones para observar y aprender de las aves, a traves de senderos que te llevarán a puntos estratégicos de avistamiento.

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